Sara's Senior Portraits - Sneak Peek
I had a great Senior Portrait session this morning with my good friend Jason's little sister Sara. We hit up quite a few spots around Allen, including a corn field, Allen Heritage Village, and the Allen Public Library. I'm really stoked about how the shoot went. It was really hard to pick only a few favorites to put up today! Having a really pretty girl as your model definitely helps.

Orch Dorks unite! I played violin in orchestra up until my own Senior year, when the class had a scheduling conflict with Photography (as terrible a decision as that was to have to make, I'm glad I opted for Photography, aren't you? :P). Sara's planning to study Music Education after she graduates, which is pretty darn cool. Personally, I try to stay away from people who are just learning to play string instruments. They can make some truly terrible noises. Sara must be a more patient soul than me.

Sara, good luck on your Senior year! It's finally your chance to rule that enormous school. Enjoy it.