Sneak Peek: Engagement - Siobhan & Jason
I had a couples session scheduled for last Monday with Siobhan and Jason that had to be rescheduled. By the time our new appointment time rolled around today, it had become an engagement session! Congrats again, you two. I used to work with Siobhan at Starbucks, where I'm pretty sure I was the only person who had previous knowledge of how to pronounce her name. I guess that's what happens when you have an obsession with Celtic music and culture... little things like popular Gaelic names come easy to ya'. I have a strong suspicion Jason knew how to pronounce her name too, because it sounds like he shares that interest. Also? He has a great dane (I have two). So between those two things and the fact that he seemed like a really nice guy when I met him today, he has my approval. I know you were looking for my approval, Siobhan. Right? Right. Anyhow, enjoy a few photos from this morning. The light was so beautiful! And it wasn't 106° yet!