Every year has ups and downs, but looking back on it, overall, I enjoyed 2012! I'm excited to see what 2013 has to offer. 13 is my lucky number, after all!
2012 was nothing if not busy. Despite my business still being "part time", I photographed 21 portrait sessions, 8 weddings, 2 home receptions and 2 parties, if my count is correct. That's a lot of nights and weekends shooting and editing! Thankfully I love it.
The highlights of 2012 outside of my business include: my niece "Ellen" joining the family; a vacation in Big Sky, Montana; a visit with my sister, Jessie, and nephew, Connor, in Seattle; starting my first garden in the Spring, and seeing half of it torn out for foundation repair last week (okay, that part isn't so much a "highlight"); my husband getting a job with sane hours; assuming the title of Head of Photography for Earthbound and busting out some awesome photos each month for our store window signs; time spent with local family at various birthdays and other gatherings; having a white Christmas here in Dallas; and arguably best of all, being a happy homebody with the husband and our great danes.
I'm so pleased with the growth I've seen in my work over the last year. There's still much for me to learn and improve upon, but I'm proud of the images I've produced this year. Bring it on, 2013. I can't wait to meet all of the people that will end up in front of my lens this year!