In March, I accompanied nine other people to Edinburgh, Scotland. We stayed together in two apartments (I guess "flats" would be the proper term) for a full week, and celebrated the marriage of two among us in the middle of the week. The bride, Jada, and I were friends back in middle school but our social circles drifted apart in high school. I saw her groom, Jon, around school but probably never knew his name. By the end of a week in a foreign country with them, their immediate family and two of their closest friends, I'd say we're friends again and anew.
Jada and Jon were best friends throughout high school and beyond. They both fell for one another long before they made anything official as a fear of ruining their friendship with a relationship kept things from going further. The good news is that a relationship with your best friend is the best kind there is and they finally figured that out too.
Jon's dream was to move to Hawaii after high school. He scrimped and saved and eventually made the move, only to realize how desperately he and Jada missed each other. She quickly hopped on a plane and joined him there. They've since moved back to good ol' Allen, Texas, but I guess they were due for another adventure, since they had their wedding at beautiful Dalhousie Castle outside of Edinburgh. I can't thank them enough for taking me along.
The day started out with unseasonably blue skies, but a thick fog rolled in while everyone was getting ready. Jada wanted some authentic Scottish weather for her Scottish wedding, so it was perfect.
As this was a destination wedding, most everything was arranged sight unseen by a variety of vendors coordinated by the lovely
Highland Country Weddings. Jada was a little nervous about her bouquet, but it turned out beautifully.
The boys relaxed in the library bar while the girls got ready upstairs. Then they were off for an important duty at the falconry on the castle grounds.
I loved that Jada's dad placed a silver sixpence in her awesome wedding shoes.
Jada looked so, so beautiful. I'm still ridiculously in love with her tattoos as well.
With shoes and veil and everything in place, it was time to head down to the chapel, led by a bagpiper, naturally.
Jon and Jada included an Irish Handfasting in their ceremony. It's the origin of the "tying the knot" idiom, and one of my favorite wedding traditions.
Remember that trip to the falconry that the boys made before the ceremony? The best man Willy had to go learn how to catch an owl ring bearer.
The marriage license had to be signed on the day of the wedding by the bride, groom, officiant and two witnesses to be made official.
The bagpiper made one of his many speeches to the new bride and groom and then led them out of the chapel.

Be sure to check back Monday for Jon & Jada's portraits, cake cutting, and their candid post-ceremony celebrations!